Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Principles of Marketing_Forum 2

Principles of Marketing_Forum 2

Q Describe how Amazon’s online marketing strategy is impacting conventional retail stores. What specific advantages do Amazon and other online firms have over brick and mortar department stores? What advantages do local retail stores have over online shopping?

Q How are brick and mortar retail stores responding to the online shopping competitors? Provide an example.Can an “even playing field” be achieved for both the local department store and an online merchant offering the same products? Explain and support your answer.How is Amazon looking beyond retail shopping to providing managed logistics services to other firms?

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Strategies of marketing are kept simple by Amazon in order for them to be simple while applying the marketing’s 4Ps. Products held by them are unlimited, prices of theirs are lower in comparison to retail stores. Customers of theirs can opt for shopping at convenience of their own and choose an item and buy it within few minutes. Some advantages are held by local retailers over line as products can be received by the customers in an immediate manner and cost of shipping is not needed to be paid. The opportunity is held by the customers to speak to the onsite product expert.